Article Density Checker

Use the article density checker to check the overall keywords density of any given text or article. Copy paste the paragraphs below and you will be provided with the article density within seconds.

About Article Density Checker

Did you know that overused words and phrases can affect your content search engine rankings? Popular search engines like Google penalize blog posts and articles containing excessive keywords and overused phrases.

The penalty most times for keyword stuffing is a reduction in rankings and visibility in the digital space. Hence, if you are a content creator, blogger, or web developer, you need a tool like the SeoToolsaudit Article Density Checker.

The tool will reveal the number of times a word or phrase appears in your articles, helping you avoid being penalized. Read on to learn more about this tool…

How Does the Article Density Checker Work?

An article density checker is an important tool that analyzes word usage and density in your draft or text before publishing it on your website. This tool will scan your content and provide a comprehensive analysis regarding the percentage number of times specific keywords or phrases appear in the text to the overall word count. 

Benefits and Features

Detect Keywords Density 

The tool will examine every bit of your written content and generate an understandable report of the words' usage and density.

The result includes the percentage number of times you use a certain keyword in the article. It will calculate the total word and determine the density of each keyword. 

Improve Readability and Coherence 

Repetition of words can affect an article's readability and coherence. It can also reduce readers' enthusiasm and excitement.

However, with this tool, you will know if some words appear too often, so you can adjust to improve the content's overall quality. 

Enhance Search Engine Optimization

Besides increasing readability, the Article Density Checker improves your SEO ranking by preventing excessive keyword usage.

Though keywords are significant to Search Engines ratings, excess keywords will drastically affect the content's position and performance in the long run.

The tool's analysis and outcome will help you make keyword-related decisions to improve your page's search engine ranking. 

Monitor and Improve Article Structure 

Your readers want an entertaining article with impressive flow and synergies between paragraphs. You can count on this tool to help you create posts your audiences will cherish and love.

You only need to pay attention to the analysis report and eliminate overused phrases. The report will inspire you to be more creative with your word choices, making your article worthy of readersʼ attention and approval. 

Large Words Enablement 

The article density checker works well with different content formats, including short-form, long-form, listicles, etc.

Whether a 200-word text or a 3,000-word script, this tool will check and provide in-depth and helpful analysis. 

Fast and Thorough Analysis 

Unlike some other keyword density checkers, the SeoToolsaudit article density checker thoroughly analyzes three different output boxes.

  1. The first box contains one-word terms density. The tool examines every word and lets you know the percentage number of times each word appears in the article.
  2. The second output box contains two-word terms density. You will know how many two-word keywords or phrases you used while creating the content and how often you used them.
  3. The third output box contains three-word keyword phrases and their frequency rate.

Meanwhile, despite the thorough scanning process, the tool doesn't consume much time. All the results will appear on your screen in three or four seconds based on the word length. 

How to Use the Article Density Checker?

  1. Copy the text or article you want to check
  2. Go to our Article Density Checker page
  3. Paste the text into the appropriate input box.   

The text will automatically be scanned, and the result will pop up.

Check output boxes for detailed one-word, two-word, and three-word phrase density reports.


Avoid keyword stuffing, phrase repetition, and poorly constructed articles by using our user-friendly article density checker. This tool will help you produce quality content that will impress readers and search engines. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Does the Article Density Checker Checker Function?

The article density checker tool will scan your text, calculate the number of times a word or phrase occurs in the text, and divide the overall score by 100 to get the percentage. The tool repeats the same method for two-word and three-word keywords or phrases. 

What is the Importance of an article density checker tool?

Article density checker helps writers and SEO professionals create highly optimized content for websites and blogs. The tool will boost your chances of producing a well-structured article that will stand its ground against other content on search engines. 

What is the Best Keyword Density Range? 

The ideal keyword density varies from one niche and industry to another. The overall word counts also play a significant role in determining the best keyword density range. Nonetheless, many SEO experts advise your keyword density should be between 1% and 3% to avoid improper keyword usage. 

Are There Free Article Density Checker Tools?

Yes, there are! SeoToolsaudit Article Density Checker is a free tool suitable for writers, SEO experts, web designers, and everyone in the writing industry. Whether you are a scriptwriter, copywriter, storyteller, or blog post creator, this tool is readily available to help you create better and more professional content at no cost. Interestingly, even the advanced features are available to all users without restrictions.

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